JukePop Serials' First Anthology Featuring Money Matters by Dean Moses
I was one of ten authors chosen to represent the best in serial fiction in JukePop Serials printed anthology. Check out the great stories in this book!
What’s the best way to tell a good written story? Over the years, I’ve become convinced that it’s not just through the hoary old traditional print novel. Modern American publishers have tended to ignore serialization, a storytelling format with proven effectiveness throughout literary history. And thus was born JukePop Serials – the ambitious but unproven literary experiment I’ve long wanted to bring to fruition – to be a vehicle for indie authors to finally level the playing field, and expose readers to stories they otherwise never would have encountered. At least, that was the plan…
It wasn’t until the JukePop team actually read the first batch of submitted stories (with bated breath!) that we knew with more certainty that we were onto something groundbreaking. JukePop Serials has snowballed since those early tentative days. We now boast a large, dynamic readership that reads and discusses our stories via both the website and cross-platform mobile apps, alongside a growing group of dedicated authors taking advantage of multiple new author tools and literary contests.
- Jerry Fan Founder of JukePop Serials
Read more about this venture at JukePop Serials' Bloggity