Mini-Interview with 1888 Center
In light of the Mariya Suzuki Collection's release, 1888 Center is hosting mini-interview's with their Summer Writing Project authors.
Dean Moses, author of A Stalled Ox answers 1888 Center's three questions on their Facebook page.
1888: What was the most difficult part of writing this book?
Dean Moses: A Stalled Ox’s life started as a serial in 1888’s and JukePop’s joint venture: The Summer Writing Project. Writing a serial means you have to first gain an audience, and then keep that audience by regularly updating your work with additional chapters. The most difficult part of writing A Stalled Ox was my own fear of a serial’s schedule. Being a writer means you are showing an intimate part of yourself to strangers, so fears and anxieties are already a part of the package, however, with a serial there are even more fears to consider. “Will I get this chapter in on time? If I don’t, will my readership decrease? Moreover, will the readers enjoy my latest chapter?” For me, each chapter came with its one little panic attack. But, at the end, it all paid off. I always tell myself this: No matter how much something scares me—just do it. And, work hard. If I keep working hard, good things will happen.
1888: In 7 words, express what this book is about TO YOU.
DM: Humanity’s morality in the darkest of times.
1888: If your book was in the market for a partner/date, what book would it ask out, and why...?
DM: A Stalled Ox explores some dark subject matter; therefore it will need an equally dark companion. Despite their differences, I think A Stalled Ox would enjoy the company of The Silence of the Lambs. They both involve an agent’s descent into the world of the macabre. Perhaps madness could be this date’s topic of choice, and you never know, cannibalism could be on the dinner menu.