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The Mariya Suzuki Blog Tour—Stop Two

The 1888 Center/Black Hill Press' latest collection of novellas, The Mariya Suzuki Collection, features A Stalled Ox by Dean Moses, Let's Stalk Rex Jupiter! by Allison Spector and Beneath Blair Mountain by Shannon Barnsley. From December 28 to January 1, the authors participated in a virtual book tour with Goddess Fish Promotions. The second stop was at Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews, which featured a character interview with God from A Stalled Ox.

Character Interview with author Dean Moses

The God Character: God is a character in the Black Hill Press/1888 Center published novella, A Stalled Ox. He is a mysterious cult leader who claims to be the human incarnation of a deity. He resides in a time when the majority of the world’s livestock has been wiped out due to a disease. Unfortunately for this self-proclaimed God, he is about to be investigated by two undercover agents.

Laurie: Tell us about your family.

God: “My earthly family no longer matters. Those people were merely vessels in which I was nurtured. Their only purpose was to care for me until the world understood who I truly am—God.”

Laurie: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

God: “I have never yearned for anything, for I care not for the material, inconsequential trinkets of life. I have known my true self ever since childhood, and what I am destined to do. I am here to show lost souls to the light, and to bring meat back to the world.”

Laurie: What was the scariest moment of your life?

God: “Fear? What manner of questions are these? I know nothing of fear. I am what others fear if they do not pay heed to my will. Be careful, or you may incur my wrath. Those who do are sent below with the rest of the unbelievers.”

Laurie: What are you passionate about these days?

God: “Bringing meat back to a meatless world, of course. Many men, women, and children who have never tasted bacon or lamb now indulge in this pleasure. But, make no mistake, I do not bring gluttony to your world—I only return what you destroyed, and many worship me for it. You will worship me before this interview is over.”

Laurie: If you could apologize to someone in your past, who would it be?

God: “I apologize to no man. However, there is someone from long ago, a female, I wish to see again. I am remorseful for her absence, yet I sense I will get to see here again… very soon.”

Laurie: What one word best describes you?

God: “Infallible.”

Laurie: Do you have any special routines or rituals?

God: “I give sermons to my flock every morning and evening.”

Laurie: What is the next big thing?

God: “What a thoughtless question! The answer is, of course, my congregation. We grow larger with each passing day. More and more people heed my message. This interview is over, it is time you heed my message as well.”

Visit Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews, for more about the Mariya Suzuki Collection.

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